“My sleep has improved so much! I feel like a new person. ”
– Donna, 44, Auckland

Not feeling like yourself these days?
Does a lack of sleep have you running on empty?
Start your journey to better sleep today, with proven behavioural therapy coaching to help you sleep better, naturally.

Sleep is crucial. An essential pillar of a happy and healthy life, it’s how we refresh, revitalise and recover, so we can look, feel and perform at our best.
With modern lifestyles taking their toll, sleep can suffer, leaving us tired, frustrated, and desperate for a solution.
Sleep Haven is where your journey to better sleep begins.
A practical behavioural coaching programme, that you can do on your own or with the support of experienced sleep consultants, committed to helping you discover a lifetime of better sleep.
Through proven behavioural therapy for insomnia, and the support and understanding of a sleep coach, you can overcome trouble sleeping, take charge of your life, and discover how to Sleep Easy.
But too many of us aren’t getting enough.

What is Sleep Haven?
Sleep Haven offers a guided coaching programme for a lifetime of better sleep.
Through practical advice, resources and support, you’ll be guided through the Sleep Easy self-help programme or receive personalised Sleep Coaching, where you’ll cultivate self-compassion, mindfulness, and the mindset and habits needed to sleep with ease.
Using the internationally-recommended* thought and behaviour training for sleep (CBTi - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia), you’ll implement the gold standard in natural sleep improvement and insomnia treatment methods for lasting results.
*Australasian Sleep Association (ASA), Sleep Health Foundation (SHF), European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), and American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
Why Sleep Haven?
For all those experiencing sleep issues, you’re not alone.
With about one in three adults experiencing difficulty sleeping, the World Sleep Society refers to sleeplessness as a global epidemic.
When experiencing sleeplessness at night, it can be tempting to opt for a quick fix. Whether it’s medication, sleep aids, or a glass of wine at night to take the edge off, these are all short-term and never address the underlying thoughts and behaviours that lead to and prolong insomnia-related sleep issues.
This is where Sleep Haven is different.
Through a proven programme, and the support of trusted sleep coaching, you’ll learn why you’re having trouble sleeping, and how to overcome sleep issues through behavioural changes that don’t just last an evening, but a lifetime.
How does it work?
The first step towards sleep improvement is understanding more about your sleep difficulties.
Sleep Haven offers comprehensive sleep assessment tools to highlight your sleep conditions. From there, we can work out the next steps in your sleep improvement journey, together.
Whether you require tailored coaching, the insights and knowledge to manage your own programme, or a sleep workshop, there’s an option for everyone.

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